Meena Chopra “SHE! The Restless Streak”
Meena Chopra “SHE! The Restless Streak”
Hashtag Gallery and artist Meena Chopra present new exhibition She! The Restless Streak, opening in virtual reality with Art Gate VR
Hashtag Gallery and artist Meena Chopra present new exhibition She! The Restless Streak, opening in virtual reality with Art Gate VR
Art Gate is pleased to announce, The Meta Biennale 2021. The rapidly growing global arts community in the Metaverse via your VR headset or laptop. This historic inaugural art event in Virtual Reality will open on Thursday, November 18th, 2021.
Organized by Metaverse News Network and curated by international photographer and documentarian Richard Mourant, Memories of Travel is timed to celebrate the tail end of Covid-19 and the emergence of the metaverse.
Hosted by London based Artist and Co-founder of Baron Grafton Arthouse, Maite Baron. Guest panelists include JW Muller Environmental Art Producer, Dr. John Dahlsen Environmental Contemporary Artist and Keith Grafton Contemporary Digital Artist.
In Art Gate VR: Baron Grafton Arthouse Opening Reception; Presents an Artist Talk for The Future is Green Exhibition