Opening Musical Performance

Art Gate VR

Chase Chandler and Motoko Honda will perform a collaborative piece about the expanding universe of virtual reality, entitled "The Frame Unfolds.” Atmospheric moods and dramatic harmonies will open the MetaB with a showcase of acoustic and digital sound expression through piano, synths, vocals, and improvisation.

Memories of Travel

Art Gate VR

Organized by Metaverse News Network and curated by international photographer and documentarian Richard Mourant, Memories of Travel is timed to celebrate the tail end of Covid-19 and the emergence of the metaverse.

Environmental Considerations of an Art District in The Metaverse

Art Gate VR: Baron Grafton Arthouse Gallery

Hosted by London based Artist and Co-founder of Baron Grafton Arthouse, Maite Baron. Guest panelists include JW Muller Environmental Art Producer, Dr. John Dahlsen Environmental Contemporary Artist and Keith Grafton Contemporary Digital Artist.

In VR: Gallery Tour for Simple Short Stories in Thompson Landry Gallery

Art Gate VR: Thompson Landry Gallery

We would like to invite you to a gallery tour of SIMPLE SHORT STORIES, an exhibition of 12 beautiful new works by France Jodoin at the Thompson Landry Gallery from November 18th – December 12th, 2021.

Sea and land blend. Skies and cityscapes blur. Time and borders fall away. In these settings, the distractions of everyday contemporary life give way to atmospheric spaces where the mind is, quite simply, free to imagine.

Memory in the Digital Age: The Mnemosyne Initiative

Art Gate VR: Mnemosyne-Initiative

International Artists of the Mnemosyne-Initiative will present their artworks and talk about the collective process of creating concepts of memory, remembering, and remembrance in times of instability and loss. Philosopher Dr. Christoph Quarch will introduce into the concept of Mnemosyne, the ancient Titan of memory and her relevance for today. Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Professor for Law and Theory at Westminster […]


Art Gate VR

I have always been fascinated by doing things in different ways; finding alternate paths and new solutions has been exciting to me from an early age. Finding my own path & doing things by my own terms is how I roll.
This exhibition focuses on people who have inspired me in life one way or another.

PANNEL DISCUSSION: Collectors and the Metaverse

Divide by Zero Collection

A keynote panel for the Meta Biennale hosted by Hong Kong’s Founder and Director of the Divide By Zero™️ Collection, Jacobo Gracia Gil with Managing Editor of Cobo Social, Denise Tsui, curator and cultural mediator, Dr. Francesca Valente, and collector and co-founder of the DSL Collection, Sylvain Lévy. Discussing the exciting new realms and opportunities involved in art collecting in the metaverse.