Music in the Metaverse

Music in the Metaverse. Hosted by Jai Mitchell with Just John and Chase Chandler

Curator Cynthia Goodman in conversation with Artist Darcy Gerbarg

Art Gate VR

Dr. Cynthia Goodman will lead a tour of the new works in the EADT Gallery with the artist, Darcy Gerbarg.

Join us for a lively discussion in the Art Gate virtual art district and EADT Gallery. Meet our community while we unpack digital art, interactive virtual reality, augmented reality and more.

Art Gate International (AGI23)

Art Gate VR

Welcome to Art Gate International 2023, the annual international art fair in the Metaverse. We are thrilled to announce that AGI23 will be opening its doors on April 27th, 2023. […]

Exploration du métavers avec Candice Dan

Rejoignez-nous au Labo à Toronto ou en ligne, le samedi 28 octobre, aux côtés de Candice Dan, directrice d'Art Collision et de Floating Point Gallery pour une exploration immersive du métavers.

Plongez au cœur de la convergence technologique où art, réalité et virtualité s'entremêlent.