How to price art in the metaverse
How to price art in the metaverse Pricing Art in the Metaverse:
Art Gate is pleased to invite you to join a special event hosted by York University and the Educators in VR community during the global UniVirtual education festival.
Daniel Dyboski-Bryant, one of the co-founders of Educators in VR, attended the tour and panel discussion York University organized during AGI 2021. He was inspired by the students, faculty, artists, and artwork that came together to remount and AGO exhibition in Art Gate VR and extended an invitation for York and Art Gate to participate in the UniVirtual festival.
For this special event Dean Sarah Bay-Cheng, Professor Anna V. Hudson, and 4 students in the Tunirrusiangit class at York University — Julia, Eleni, Vince and Liz — will provide a tour through the remounted AGO exhibition TUNIRRUSIANGIT: KENOJUAK ASHEVAK AND TIM PITSIULAK in virtual reality. The Educators in VR community will be joining this exhibition tour as part of the UniVirtual festival.
To join events download Art Gate onto your VR headset or laptop here:
After you’ve downloaded, open the Art Gate app on your computer or in your VR headset. Meet us in the lobby 10min prior to the event time. When you open Art Gate you are by default in the main lobby near a big gold key. You’ll be greeted by a host in the main lobby that will help with questions and introducing you to Art Gate if you are new.
More info about the previously mounted AGO exhibition TUNIRRUSIANGIT: KENOJUAK ASHEVAK AND TIM PITSIULAK :
More info about York University:
More info about UniVirtual:
Press about UniVirtual:
How to price art in the metaverse Pricing Art in the Metaverse:
Art Gate VR announces the Meta-Biennale from November 18th to December 19th, 2021 in the virtual metaverse. Applications are open.
The internet has brought us endless opportunities to express ourselves creatively. Now, a new trend in the art world is taking that idea and turning it into something visual.
Learn how to buy Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the potential of this new asset class.